
Laser Show Rental Services

In your Laser Show rental, the lasers of your choice or our laser show devices we recommend depending on the size of the venue are divided into three as RGB LASERS (12 Watt RGB full colour lasers, 10 W RGB lasers, 8 W RGB lasers, 6 W RGB lasers), GREEN LASERS (8 Watt green laser, 6 W, 5 W, and 3 W single colour green laser), BLUE LASERS (10 Watt blue and 8 Watt blue laser).

The laser devices we will use in laser rentals can be used in desired watts, colours, and in desired numbers depending on the application area. The performance of the laser show devices in the special show, animation, graphic design, and logo studies time code are pre-tested by our professional team before presenting to our valued customers.